Saturday 14 April 2012

My Poems 6

Love can never be defined,
But for me you gave it a meaning.
Love is not a business of sorrow and pain,
It only results in profit and gain,
Being close to your loved one in soothing rain,
Makes your life shine like a golden chain.
It is not a feeling to be confined,
Only knows to rise above the world and shine.
The smile it brings on your face,
Can heal wounds at the fastest possible pace.
Never can you predict when it enters your horizon,
Takes you by a storm and fills you with a sweet poison.
People say that love is blind,
Yes, because if a lover has the world in mind,
The other one would just give it in kind.
Love can never be bounded by any force,
Because one thing lovers don’t know is how to remorse.
A word that has no definition even after its prolonged existence,
Actually defines the world by its beautiful presence.
The best feeling God could have gifted ever,
Just wish for those who pursue that feeling,
God keeps them together forever and ever.
This is just the beginning part,
I’ll write till I empty my heart.

Monday 6 February 2012

My Poems 5

Love can never be defined,
But for me you gave it a meaning.
Watching television at home that night,
Didn’t know what soon is going to come to my sight.
Minutes later the door bell rang with a shock,
Saw my brother and aunt standing like a rock.
Tears in their eyes, towards me they darted,
With grief they announced my father had departed.
Soon I heard my sister screaming,
My heart and body were like water streaming.
He had left this world with heavy loads,
Now I had to walk alone on very different roads.
My eyes held hard the tears,
Maybe was stuck with all the worldly fears.
Could not imagine my mother’s face,
God why didn’t you give her some more grace
I couldn’t see him for the entire night,
He was to arrive by the morning light.
I saw the ambulance and heard its devil sound,
Within seconds everyone there was ready to hound.
I stayed back as much as I could,
Not ready to accept, till now what I should.
I soon saw my mother pale,
A boat that had no wish to sail
I was forced to eat and drink,
But the thoughts in my mind were not ready to shrink.
I sat beside him for a day and a half,
Like a cow would not leave the side of its calf.
He was kept on ice for the entire tenure,
While I felt like a field with no manure
My hand burnt while giving him fire,
Will never see him again in any attire,
It was the end of so many desires.
This is just the beginning part,
I’ll write till I empty my heart.

Monday 23 January 2012

My Poems 4

Love can never be defined,
But for me you gave it a meaning.
Another evening with you on a silent hill,
When you and me would be there again with loads of love to spill.
The distance between us would gradually descent,
Love will acquire the surroundings without anyone to resent,
We forget the past and future and let ourselves go for the present,
I come close and say a few words but you just don't apprehend.
You got lost in the very feelings of your own heart,
As if getting mesmerized on a snowing mountain, enjoying the ride on a wooden cart.
Emotions swaying at a cruising speed,
With nothing else, and just love to feed,
In that soothing ambience, that is all i guess we need,
As if writing an epic, for the entire world to read.
I have no notion where this would finally lead,
But surely, its the most beautiful plant that could have grown from my seed.
Each moment spent with you will always be there to cherish,
Just wish to be a part of as many, before i perish.
This is just the beginning part,
I'll write till i empty my heart.

Sunday 15 January 2012

My Poems 3

Love can never be defined,
But for me you gave it a meaning.
I see a world bright, deep in your eyes,
Making me go calm and always helping me to rise,
I am not a good human being or as wise,
My heart shrinks to a little when my world in your eyes, cries.
Over and above the world i put you,
I will be standing right in front, no matter how long for you may be the queue.
The moments for which we stand apart will always be few,
We will make moments everyday of our love, refreshing and new.
You have always given me the strength to stand upright,
How far you may be from my sight,
Its only when i look deep into your eyes, do i get all the might.
I wish to talk to you all the time,
Some call it a sin, some call it a crime,
But for me love will always be what comes prime.
This is just the beginning part,
I'll write till i empty my heart.

Saturday 14 January 2012

My Poems 2

Love can never be defined,
But for me you gave it a meaning.
The silence love creates between two hearts,
Is like the quiteness of a heap of falling cards,
Although it gives you  a stroke for a flick,
Empowers your strength from the very next click.
The earnest feeling it develops within,
Feels as if riding a horse, but yet self ridden.
Excitement in a loving heart never fades,
No matter how dark and grey are the shades.
A sweet passion evokes when the lovers are close,
Like the winning trumpet high and above blows.
An emotion which is a class above the rest,
Makes you feel and live at your utmost best.
An exchange of hearts takes place in peace,
Resulting in everlasting transplantation without any fees.
Forgetting the reality of life without any hesitation,
Lovers indulge themselves in the supreme power of love like meditation.
The inner soul gets a refreshingly new face,
While the heart is busy participating in the love chase.
The promises made are kept strong and still,
Irrespective of how high they may have to climb the hill.
Eventually its all about the heart's desires getting fulfill.
Love is and will never be a game of one,
Even the gleaming moon is incomplete without the shining sun.
This is just the beginning part,
I'll write till i empty my heart.

Friday 13 January 2012

My poems

Love can never be defined,
But for me you gave it a meaning.
An evening with you on a silent hill,
When all the love in the world would be there to fulfill,
Your lovely voice silently speaking, enough to thrill,
Your soothing presence enough for the comforting mountains to kill,
Your falling hairs enough for the swaying trees to stand still,
Your glowing face enough for the waterfall to take a glance and force all its water to spill,
Your holding hand enough for the mountain range's gaps to fill,
Your touch enough for the sun to step aside for the moon and chill,
Your smile enough for the moon to turn into a quill,
This is how i wish our evening to be,
You and me on a silent trip just set free.
This is just the beginning part,
I'll write till i empty my heart....